About Us

PT Adhi Kartiko Pratama Tbk grew to become one of the leading nickel mining companies, with a longterm commitment to positively contributing to Indonesia’s sustainable development.

Company Profile

PT AKP has established itself as a paramount contributor in Indonesia’s nickel mining industry. Indonesia alone will account for around half of global nickel production growth between 2021 and 2025 and the success of Indonesia’s HPAL projects is key to the future global nickel supply for batteries, at least in the near term. The country’s nickel resources are extensive, with mines distributed across its many regions. However, the preponderance of the most significant nickel extraction sites, including those operated by our company, are situated in Sulawesi.

Our extraction site is strategically positioned in the North Konawe Regency, nestled within the province of Southeast Sulawesi. The strategic positioning of North Konawe proffers several benefits for the conduct of our mining operations. The majority of mining sites, including ours, are favorably situated in close proximity to the coast, thus allowing for short-distance transportation of resources. This aspect greatly amplifies ore production efficiency. In fact, our mining site is merely 600 meters from our jetty, underlining our commitment to streamlined operations. Furthermore, our mine is easily accessible from the significant urban center of Kendari, with a journey of approximately five hours marking the distance between the city and our site. This accessibility further underscores our operational convenience and efficiency. PT AKP is dedicated to providing high quality nickel ore to our customers. With a focus on sustainability, safety, and innovation, we strive to be a responsible corporate and make a positive impact on the communities where we operate. We believe that our success is due to the hard work and dedication of our employees and we take pride in our commitment to the highest standards of safety. Our operations are guided by strict regulations, providing them with a safe, rewarding, and fulfilling work environment, and to fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration that allows us to stay at the forefront of our industry.


Aspiring to gain recognition as the preeminent Indonesian enterprise in the domain of nickel mining and processing, we remain unwavering in our commitment to uphold world-class mining standards.


  • PT AKP aim to optimize nickel production and sales, leveraging advanced mine planning and staying current with Indonesia’s nickel industry trends.
  • PT AKP is committed to bolstering the welfare of local communities adjacent to our mining site.
  • Our objective is to boost shareholder value through best-practice mining methods and ethically responsible business operations.
  • PT AKP strive to foster an environmentally sustainable ecosystem, minimizing carbon emissions across all operations.

Our Value

PT AKP is unwavering in our adherence to best mining practices, compliance assurance, and prioritization of reclamation initiatives.


PT AKP sustain ethical and trustworthy relationships with all our stakeholders, underscoring our commitment to transparency and honesty.


PT AKP actively challenge conventional approaches, fostering an environment of openness, focus, and swift adaptability.


PT AKP embrace our duty to be mindful and respectful towards the local communities and the environment in which we operate.


Our dedication extends to maintaining superior product quality while safeguarding the health, safety, and well-being of our workforce.


PT AKP believe that our strength lies in unity; collective collaboration and effective teamwork form the backbone of our operations.

Health, Safety, and Environment

Safety Reward

4 Consecutive Years of
Zero Accident Award

The Department of Manpower, acknowledging PT AKP outstanding safety record and commitment to accident prevention.

3 Consecutive Years of
Zero Accident Award

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, recognizing PT AKP dedication to maintaining a workplace free from accidents and promoting employee safety.

2 Consecutive Years Gold Category for Covid-19
Prevention Program

Department of Manpower. This recognition highlights PT AKP comprehensive and effective measures in safeguarding the health and well-being of its workforce during the challenging circumstances of the pandemic.

Safety Reward for
K3 National Month

Governor of Sulawesi Tenggara. This honor acknowledges PT AKP exemplary commitment to safety practices and its contribution to promoting a culture of occupational health and safety in the region.

Company Milestone

PT. AKP established & obtained
Exploration KP (Kuasa Pertambangan)


PT AKP’s Exploration KP was upgraded to
an Exploration IUP (Ijin Usaha Pertambangan).


PT AKP received the Production Operations IUP,
expanding our operational capacity.


PT AKP acquired the Exploitation IPPKH
(Ijin Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan) permit.


PT AKP commenced export activities,
involving up to 14 mother vessels.


In addition to domestic shipments, PT AKP also succesfully
exported ores when the window for mineral exports reopened.


PT AKP started shipment to local smelters
in Morowali and Morosi.


In addition to domestic shipments, PT AKP also succesfully
exported ores when the window for mineral exports reopened.


PT AKP began conducting exploration adhering to the JORC
Standards, showcasing our commitment to excellence.


Phase two of the IPPKH project was launched,
indicating our continued growth.


Boards of Directors

Sang Moo Lee

President Director

Chang Pyo Hong


Sebin Kim


Choi Min


Victor Agung Susantyo


Seung Yeon Lee


Gwanghee Hong


Hendra Prawira


Boards of Commissioners

Hyek Seo Koo

President Commissioner

Stevano R. Adranacus


Pintarso Adijanto

Independent Commissioner


PT Inti Mega Ventura

PT Inti Mega Ventura (IMEV) is a reputable holding company focused on nickel mining projects across Eastern Indonesia. With a wealth of experience since 2008, IMEV has established itself as a prominent player in the industry. Formerly known as PT Duta Indonusa, IMEV operated as an IUP concession holder for the nickel project in Pulau Laburoko, Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi.

PT Sungai Mas Minerals

PT Sungai Mas Minerals is a distinguished holding company specializing in mining and processing various minerals. With significant involvement in nickel mining and tin processing, the company is now expanding its operations into the coal mining sector. Through its diversified portfolio, PT Sungai Mas Minerals continues to make its mark in the mining industry.


Thinking about your next career move? Then think big. Because while the world relies on the resources we find, we rely on people like you. A career in AKP. Why not you?